
Ignition Safety Device (ISD)

Because reliable ignition should always be safe

Ignition Safety Device (ISD)

The Ignition Safety Device (ISD) is a fully electronic, in-line device for rocket motor ignition. Housed by stainless steel, the ISD works by accepting DC electrical input power and arm/fire signals, performing safety logic validation, and generating high voltage for ignition of a Low Energy Exploding Foil Initiator (LEEFI) device. This, in turn, provides an energetically generated pressure and caloric output for rocket motor grain ignition.

Tailored to your requirements

Commonly used for tactical missiles, launch vehicles and unguided rockets, this hermetically sealed, MIL-STD-1901A approved device may be customized to meet system requirements and is available in a single or modular variety where the logic/controller and explosive units are separate modules connected by an electrical line. In addition to its safety benefits, this product is small in size and weight.