Vehicle Survivability
The Best Defense is a Good Offense.

We understand the enormous risks faced by the warfighter on the ground, especially those manning armored vehicles on the battlefield. Our mission is your mission—protecting the warfighter’s future.
EBAD has a long and successful history outfitting armored vehicles with Explosive Reactive Armor products. We design and manufacture the energetic compositions, LF-2/LF-2 XA, used in many U.S. and International Reactive Armor vehicle systems and we are a leading manufacturer of Explosive Reactive Armor (ERA) kits. It is our dedication to the survivability of armored vehicles that our customers depend on.

We are proud of our long history in providing protection solutions based on our expertise in explosive engineering and manufacturing capabilities.
- M60 US Main Battle Tank (1980s)
- Manufactured explosive
- Bradley Fighting Vehicle (BFV) (1990s through 2005)
- Manufactured explosive
- Abrams Main Battle Tank (1990s through 2012)
- Future Armor Tile Program
- Prime contractor for explosive and Load Assemble & Pack, bringing the program through qualification
- ARAT-2 (Urgent Material Release)
- Manufactured explosive and Load Assemble & Pack
- Fielded 120 vehicle sets in less than 90 days
- ARAT-1
- Prime contractor for the explosive and Load Assemble & Pack
- ARAT-2
- Prime contractor for the explosive and Load Assemble & Pack
- Future Armor Tile Program
- Stryker (1990s)
- Prime contractor for the explosive and Load Assemble & Pack
- Armored Multi-Purpose Vehicle (AMPV) (future)
- LF-2 XA selected as the reactive armor explosive
- M60 US Main Battle Tank (1980s)
Energetics Formulations
Since the 1980s, EBAD has supplied Explosive Reactive Armor (ERA). Explosive Reactive Armor protects the vehicle from penetrating threats by utilizing explosive energy to move armor elements into the path of the incoming shape charge. It has been used by the U.S. Armed forces for over 35 years.
We provide customized explosive compositions that meet the requirements of an ever-changing threat, including a full family of Low Flammability explosive formulations with varying sensitivity properties. For example, during the Stryker Reactive Armor Tile (SRAT-1) program, EBAD developed a successful new variant of LF-2. This new formulation, designated LF-2 XA, has tailored initiation properties while maintaining all the properties of LF-2, IM complaint, low sympathetic detonation and small arms fire insensitivity. This was a life saving protection system.
As missions change, EBAD continues to be at the forefront in developing optimized reactive armor explosive formulations by working with ARL and ARDEC to understand the next battlefield threats.
Our Legacy leads to Innovation
Leveraging over 180 years of EBAD’s explosive expertise coupled with modern technology allows us to develop and provide innovative and unique solutions. Our team of seasoned designers and manufacturers are integral to the development and evolution of the technologies fundamental to the foundation of EBAD’s solution portfolio. Our ever-expanding and diverse workforce attracts energetic, new talent which pushes us to continuously innovate and challenge the way we see our customers and our markets, and the products and solutions that we provide to support them. We thrive on our successful heritage and past experiences to pursue the future with our new technologies, enabling us to continue to engineer and develop innovative system solutions for your next mission.

Design. Prototype. Test. Production.
We design and manufacture explosives to meet all your reactive armor mission requirements at our ATF and DOD approved Graham, Kentucky facility. Our state-of-the-art development lab is a one-stop shop with the capability to fabricate small scale batches of PBX explosives, extruding & cutting the explosive sheet into reactive armor coupons for test and evaluation in collaboration with our customers. EBAD used this approach during the Stryker Reactive Armor Tile (SRAT) program, EBAD developed a successful new variant of LF-2 and had it tested and ready for incorporation into production in six weeks. This new formulation, designated LF-2 XA, has tailored initiation properties while maintaining all the properties of LF-2, IM complaint, low sympathetic detonation and small arms fire insensitivity.
Customized to accomplish any mission
We work closely with and listen to our customers to constantly develop solutions needed for today and tomorrow’s requirements. In collaboration with the US Government reactive armor designers we have developed new variations of reactive armor explosives tailored to meet changing needs. All of our products are designed, developed, and manufactured with a focus on safety and reliability.