2023 DSEI London Conference
DSEI 2023

EBAD will be attending the 2023 DSEI Conference in London, England, September 12-16 at Booth H8-521. We will be featuring our MPLC, UWP, Satchel Charge, KRWS, and more. Stop by and learn more about our capabilities and cutting-edge technologies.


The MPLC® Tactical Line Charge is a lightweight, man portable line charge; rocket launched explosive line charge system that assists in breaching through a complex mined or trip-wired environment.

Learn more about our MPLC

Unmanned Weaponization Package (UWP)

The Unmanned Weaponization Package (UWP – Pronounced U-Whip) is a platform-agnostic, remotely operated weaponization system. Attached via a Picatinny rail or mounting plate, the UWP enables any platform to carry an energetic effect to a location, safely arm, safely release, and on command, detonate.

Learn more about our UWP

Satchel Charge

Satchel Charges are easy-to-use enhanced blast explosive devices designed for structure and confined space defeat utilizing blast overpressure and impulse effects.

Learn more about our Satchel Charge

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