
Centered SKIN-PACK® Firing Device (CSFD)

Small yet powerful

The CSFD is a is a compact, non-electric, shock tube assembly with an attached striker firing device and military strength detonator. The shock tube is coiled and wrapped in a “skin,” for reduced weight and easy deployment.

The CSFD was designed to combine the compact design of the SKIN-PACK with the one-handed striker firing system. EBAD engineered the firing system to the center of the device to optimize space, creating the smallest, safest, non-electric firing system.


  • Breaching
  • Military demolition
  • EOD


  • Centered striker firing system and In Line Initiator (ILI)
  • Less “overhang” of firing system
  • Soft pack for carry and deployment
    • Disposable
    • Small circular footprint
    • No changes to explosives or interfaces

*Commercial Item per FAR 2.101