
Initiation Systems

Every mission requires reliable initiation methods

As a world leader in initiation systems, customers can rely on EBAD’s experience in creating a safe, easy to use and reliable non-electrical shock tube initiation system.  

We offer the warfighter a range of lengths in single or dual (double) shock tube to meet the Close Quarter, EOD or Demolition mission standoff requirements. 

EBAD offers shock tube assemblies outfitted with a firing device, a length of shock tube and a military strength detonator.  Upon functioning the firing device an explosive signal is transmitted through the shock tube to the detonator. It is a complete system. No need to crimp a detonator or field improvise. Everything is provided in a single, one time use system. 

For ease of use and compact to carry, EBAD has developed Skin Packs and IFDs (Integral Firing Devices). Whether you prefer the sturdy hard case of the IFDs or a lighter Skin Pack, we have several options designed for specific initiation needs.  

Detonating Cord –

Detonating Cord is another reliable means to initiate a charge.  The textile cord is used for a wide variety of applications in the defense community. EBAD’s Detonating Cord provides a controlled detonation rate and energetic output.  If you need to simultaneously detonate several charges at once tied into a single initiation event or build a charge, EBAD’s Detonating cord can provide the solution.  From applications such as wide-path mine clearance, Explosive Ordnance Disposal or Breaching Systems EBAD’s detonating cord is right for the mission.

Our Legacy leads to Innovation

Since 1836, EBAD’s explosive expertise coupled with modern technology allows us to develop and provide innovative and unique solutions. Our team of seasoned designers and manufacturers are integral to the development and evolution of technologies fundamental to the foundation of EBAD’s solution portfolio. Our ever-expanding and diverse workforce attracts energetic, new talent which pushes us to continuously innovate and challenge the way we see our customers and our markets, and the products and solutions that we provide to support them. We thrive on our successful heritage and past experiences to pursue the future with our new technologies, enabling us to continue to engineer and develop innovative system solutions for your next mission.

Design. Prototype. Test. Production.

We design and manufacture initiation systems and explosive charges to meet all your mission requirements at our ATF and DoD approved Graham, Kentucky facility. Our state-of-the-art development lab is a one-stop shop with the capability to fabricate prototypes, construct targets, and test in collaboration with our customers. Effectiveness of the target defeat, initiation reliability and delay timing requirements can be assessed real-time allowing for rapid solution iterations resulting in highly efficient product development. This approach provides the data necessary to validate mission success and reduce risk to the Warfighter.

Initiation Products